Dear Superstar Coach,
As a BIGs Alumni member, you already know my deep commitment to helping people succeed.
And that mission has never been stronger than it is right now.
For starters, a lot of things have changed since we last saw each other, and I’ve perfected my most powerful strategies yet to grow a business and create an incredible life.
That makes it the perfect time for you to come back to BIGs so we can start working together again.
Over these past couple of years, so much has happened.
I successfully pivoted my business due to all the changes in the world, and my team has grown even bigger. All this, while most businesses were making big cuts or even going out of business.
In fact, the last couple of years have been the most incredible years in my business.
And now I’m finally ready to share everything I’ve discovered along the way so you can make your business and life outrageously successful too.
I’ll work with you personally to help ensure you create your ideal life and achieve outrageous success.
To make things easy for us to get started I’ve got two great options for us to start working together.
Just decide what works best for you.
The first option is to become a VIP client with me. You’ll have VIP status at our Mastermind this July in Chicago, and the opportunity to work with me personally.
With Option #1, you get…
Four Mastermind Intensives Per Year | $80,000.00 |
40+ Online Training Programs | $104,000.00 |
Live Event Passes | $27,000.00 |
Elite VIP Status | $5,000.00 |
Group Coaching Sessions With Me | $25,000.00 |
1-1 Coaching With My Best Coaches | $25,000.00 |
Massive Momentum Virtual Masterminds | $20,000.00 |
Instant Miracle™ Healing Sessions | $25,000.00 |
Marketing Labs | $50,000.00 |
Connections to Highly Influential People | Priceless |
My Personal Endorsement | Priceless |
TOTAL VALUE (for just one year) | $361,000.00+ |
And you’ll get 2 years of all this, so that’s DOUBLE the value, PLUS you get 5 personal 1-on-1 sessions with me, which I rarely do for anyone.
You get all this for just one payment of $29,997 or 18 payments of $1,997.
Like I mentioned, I’m really excited to see you again and to start working together.
So if you’re one of the first 5 people to jump in on Option #1, I’ll cover your airfare and hotel to the July Mastermind.
The second option for us working together includes…
1 full year of BIGs, which is an incredible value you can’t get anywhere else.
Of course you’ll have a spot at the upcoming mastermind, and I can’t wait to see you there.
You get Option #2 for just one payment of $14,997 or 10 payments of $1,999.
I look forward to connecting with you again and working with you personally to ensure you create an incredible life and grow your business to be outrageously successful.
Let’s get started and I’ll see you soon.
Need to speak with someone first? Connect with our incredible concierge, Barb.
© 2022. Christian Mickelsen. All rights reserved. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
Future Force, Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA