Instant Miracle Mastery Level II
Special Preview Event

When: Thursday, March 4, 2021
Time: 10am PT | 1pm ET | 6pm London |
5am Sydney (AEDT) (one day ahead)

During this special preview event, you’ll discover how to amp up your healing powers and coaching abilities at Instant Miracle Mastery Level II. Get a sneak peek at how to…
Plus, you’ll get a special offer to attend IMM Level II only available to attendees of this special preview event.

I’ll also be on the line taking any questions you have about attracting abundance into your life like never before.

Just enter your name and best email below so I know where to send you the login details.

(Note: IMM Level II has not been open to the public in over 5 years and may not be available for another 5 years, if ever.)


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